Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When I was brave

I had to be brave on my first trip to the dentist. I’ve always heard aboutnbad experiences from other people and how the dentist used big sharp objects just to clean your teeth. My mom set up an appointment for me before school started, so I knew it was something that I couldn’t get around. I dislike needles and sharp objects especially when it comes to a stranger having to put them in my mouth . I arrived to the office and there was man whose smile was as white as computer printing paper. He told me to follow him into the office and directed me to sit in the reclined baby blue seat. As I sat down I seen the needles and funny looking tools laying on this little tray. He came in and made some corny jokes that I didn’t find funny at all . my goals were to get out of there with no pain throbbing from my mouth. He reclined the chair back and said “Open Wide !”


  1. Lol I used to be scared too girl you weren't the only one. I'm over it now though lol
